Summary of Content
- Identify the anatomy of facial structures to understand fillers impact.
- Utilize ultrasounds to assess the over-use of fillers.
- Identify and diagnose issues with lip fillers spreading.
- Employ fat grafting and nano fat as substitute for fillers.
- Incorporate MRI assessments and findings to create treatment options.
- Implement strategies to prevent and treat complications stemming from the overuse of fillers.
Overfilled Faces Diagnosis & Treatment
- Introduction – Christian Subbio
- History of filler & lymphatic imaging – Erez Dayan
- Overfilled faces overview – Lee Walker
- Anatomy – Chris Surek
- Ultrasound of filler related issues – Steve Weiner
- Overfilled faces – MRI evidence – Mobin Master
- Overfilled lips with filler spread – Steve Harris
- Dynamic between patient and clinician in the consultation over time leading to over treatment – Tim Pearce
- Over filled lips assessment and management – Julie Horne
- Overfilled lips case studies & discussion – Ben Talei
- Fillers and periocular volume loss: an algorithm to a happy patient – Kami Parsa
- Perspective on tear trough fillers – Gavin Chan
- Fat grafting and nanofat as substitute for fillers – Marc Mani
- Sculpting the human face: using bony contouring to avoid the overfilled face – Kay Durairaj
- Panel discussion
The Core Foundation – The Overuse of Fillers
The Overuse of Fillers Course provides an in-depth look at fillers
After completing this course, you should understand best practices for prevention, clinical assessment, and management of this problem.

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